Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
The Hypnotist - ATC2

Monday, February 13, 2006
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Illustration Friday - "Simple" #2
This project is finished (scroll down to see pics!) THANK YOU EVERYONE who participated, YOU GUYS ROCK. This is one of the most ridiculous drawings I've ever done - and I love it. A lot of you forced me to draw things I'd never drawn before (dachshund, cameo pendant, garlic, marble, milk, decay, safety pin,...) You're all an inspriation. Thanks again! :D |
I need 30 different people to request 30 simple things for me to draw on this paper.
This is an experiment of sorts...I am going to do a project similar to this for charity, and this will be a test run. If you could help me out that would be great. Add a comment & leave a simple one-word request for something you want me to draw here. The first 30 requests will be incorporated together in this 2.5" x 3.5" space. I'll update this post and add Work In Progress pics as the requests come in. I'll draw this in a simple manner - just pencil & ink, no color, & little detail. Thanks for playing, please keep your requests G-rated :)
First 5 requests (thank you!): ORANGE, DECAY, DAISY, PANDA, & MARBLE
I drew a panda balancing on a marble while holding a decaying orange with a daisy growing out of it! Sorry the marble looks kind of funky
Next 5 requests: A LEAF, STAMP, Mt. FUJI, MILK, & A HEART
Now the panda has a heart tattoo on the back of his neck, and he's rolling up Mt Fuji on his marble. In the foreground is a tiny leaf standing in front of a milk carton that has "Grade B" Milk in it (hey, it's more fun than Grade A Milk!) The milk carton has a 1cent stamp on it, perhaps this sour milk was mailed to Mt Fuji...hmmmm..
Thank you for the requests, 20 more to go! :)
Ok I realized (duh) that the panda's body should've been white so I used white ink to fix him. I added a hummingbird drinking out of the top of Mt Fuji, and a dachsund on the ground holding a feather in his mouth. On the left is a big candle with a safety pin stuck in it. Keep the requests coming!
As if the panda didn't look silly enough, he now has a birthday cake on his head. I added a sneaky lizard on the candle, he's stealing a cameo pendant that the dachshund should probably be guarding... And there's now a ballon with a star on it (not fully inflated) tied to the safety pin. Thanks for all the new requests - I just need 10 more now!
10 More Requests to go!
There's now a big beetle laying on top of the balloon, and he's cooking a strawberry over the candle's flame. The beetle's back foot is resting on an umbrella stuck in the decaying orange. The balloon's string has a tag attached to it that says "Love", and that stuff in the lower background is supposed to be a forest.... thanks guys for the requests! Just a few more and I'm done :)
Last 5 requests: FISH, HAND, GARLIC, BANANA, & WINDOW.
Alrighty now...I added a fish swimming in the background, and one of his back fins is a hand hodling a banana. The fish looks a little confused..maybe he's wondering why he has garlic on his back, or why there's a window in the beetle's body.... This project is now finished....well...I might add color..but I think that's it. THANKS EVERYONE :D
I was originally going to leave this drawing black & white...but could not resist adding color....(the color is unfinished)
Friday, February 10, 2006
Illustration Friday - "Simple"

This is my first time participating in Illustration Friday - a weekly art challenge where you draw/create artwork for a specific theme. The theme this week is "Simple". If you've seen my artwork before, you'll know I like to torture myself by fitting lots of tiny detail into small spaces, and "simple" is not something I'm good at. This little piece of cake is the first thing that came to mind when I heard about the simple theme. I drew it using ink & colored pencil on a simple canvas (cardboard.) The words were photoshopped because I wanted simple, basic text on this one :) The dime is there for size reference. Thank you Alexa for encouraging me to participate in IF...I was too shy to do it before :)
ACEO #23 - [Crow] Queen of Diamonds

Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Strange Poison Bottle Guy

I mailed this to a friend yesterday :) I drew this little guy on cardboard using Prismacolor colored pencils & ink. I love the expression on his face - he looks like he might be trying not to laugh, or maybe he is holding poison in his mouth... I'll leave that for JoE to decide :D
ACEO #31 - "The Rattle" (sold)
Saturday, February 04, 2006
A2A ACEO - "YinYang Duck"
A2A ACEO - "Freedom"
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
UK Art Show

If you live in the UK, come see my art in person! Stop by the Pavillion Cafe in Dulwhich Park, London & check out over 100 ACEOs (2.5"x3.5" artwork) by international artists, including Me, Sally Swingewood & Amy Weber. Everyone is welcome to come to the show. There will also be an "Art Treasure Hunt", where you will have a chance to take home free art provided by A2A (Art 2 Art) artists. Art 2 Art is an artistic movement bringing free art to ordinary people just like you and me. To learn more about this amazing project & the artists involved, visit http://a2a2006.com.